zApp Training
Is Building Applications Your Job?
If Building Applications is Your Job...
Then you should consider investing in the zApp Training Seminar. By attending
the zApp Training Seminar, you guarantee yourself a seat on the leading edge of
object oriented development. You will learn the ins and outs of zApp, the best
selling portable application framework on the market. You will quickly become
a zApp Expert, with a fundamental understanding of the zApp
Application Framework, able to create the applications of tomorrow. In
addition, you will discover how to incorporate the powerful controls in the
zApp Inteface Pack into your application, giving it the
look and feel of today's best selling applications. Finally, you will be
introduced to the exciting zApp Factory, a visual
design tool for the zApp line of products. You'll come to appreciate zApp
Factory's rapid application development capabilities as you use this exciting
technology to design and test your entire interface, assign functionality to
interface items, and even generate fully commented C++ source code.
About the Course
The goal of the zApp Training Seminar is to teach C++ programmers to effectively
use the zApp Application Framework to create GUI applications. Corporations
across the United States have employed this seminar to springboard their
programming teams into full productivity. Rather than focus on verbatim
memorization of the zApp framework, this course concentrates on the analysis of
development requirements and the translation of those requirements into the
zApp framework. Beginning with an overview of the framework, the course moves
into an analysis of the zApp Development Environment and the interaction of the
zApp classes, the Interface Pack and zApp Factory. Each lecture session is
followed with a programming assignment enabling participants to use what they
have learned and quickly identify problem areas. The assignments range from
basic to complex to enable programmers of all abilities to achieve their highest
potential and reap the greatest benefit from the seminar.
If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact zApp Technical Support.
© Copyright 1995, Rogue Wave Software, Inc.